Project Type
Web Design
I designed this website in Adobe XD to inform viewers about the danger of misinformation. It gives insights to readers to help them understand what misinformation is, how to identify it, why they likely believe some piece of misinformation, and the best methods to counter misinformation.

When laying out these wireframes, I was focused on laying out each page's content in a way that would be most conducive for informing users on the topic matter. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to divide my research and content into different pages to make a complicated topic digestible. I also focused on navigation, in order to make the user's experience with the website easy, enjoyable and informative.
Branding Guidelines
For the website's branding, I used a limited color palette to keep the focus on the site's content, but also due to the topic matter. Red, blue and grayscale are commonly associated with politics, which is most often what misinformation is discussed in reference to. Any other colors would feel out of place. I chose to use Trade Gothic as my heading font, and Helvetica for body text. I believe these typefaces are not distracting, and allow for easy readability. The third typeface I used was Eroded, which I used sparingly for effect.

Final Project
Designing this website presented many challenges, with one of the primary ones being the graphic style and creative direction. It wasn't until almost the end of the website's design that I thought of the idea to use statues, particularly ancient Greek and Roman ones, paired with graphical elements. Implementing this concept really pulled the whole website together. It gave the website a cohesive feeling, a unique style, and reinforced the idea that misinformation--while flourishing in the modern internet age--has been around a very long time.